Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Do you have friends or family members who have achieved immense success in their lives and you find yourself wishing you could have that the same? Are you filled with envy toward the people who have everything they want?

Most of us experience these feelings from time to time, but instead of allowing jealousy to make you miserable and negative, you can create your own success. After all, you are the only person who can control how you define “success.” So instead of spending your time feeling jealous, you can spend your time filling your life with success.

Creating Success for Yourself
Many people spend most of their time wondering when success is going to magically appear on their lap, but of course, it never happens this way. So rather than waiting passively for success, it’s time to create your own version of success. When you are proactively taking steps every day, you have a better chance of realizing your goals. After all, it’s far more productive than watching other people achieve success
A great way to create the successful life you have always hoped for is to set clear, actionable goals. How do you want your life to be defined? What do you want to be doing a year from now, five years from now, or even ten years from now? What sort of goals can you set for yourself that will help motivate you and keep you going in the right direction so you can reach out and grab what you want?

You will want to make sure the goals you set are attainable. The best way to do this is to start with short-term goals that help you work towards your long-term goals. This will help you move forward and build momentum without becoming discouraged. Besides, it’ll help to keep your eye on the prize.  If you set goals that are too ambitious, you will be more inclined to give up before you even get started.

So, Building a “Success!” Attitude
If you have some negative or self-defeating inner dialogues, it will be much more difficult for you to achieve your goals and build the life of success you have always wanted. That’s why it’s a good idea to use the power of positive affirmations to propel you forward.

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